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Cleethorpes Regeneration Programme

The scheme

In March 2017, CoastNEL was awarded nearly £4million from the Coastal Communities Fund. The projects developed aimed to enhance key areas, provide new facilities and deliver events in the resort.

Key elements of the project included:

  • £3.3million – to improve the public realm and introduce public art at key sites in the town
  • £332K – on enhancing the current events programme to help extend the season in the resort.
  • A visitor economy specialist to deliver business support in the form of coaching, mentoring and advice to businesses on customer service, technology, business planning, diversification and marketing.

The CoastNEL team who successfully led the bid, is a partnership of local business people, arts, heritage and tourism groups and the local authority.

Coastal Communities Fund Logo
The Great British Coast Logo
Heritage Fund Logo

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